—When dreams meet daylight.
—When working hard doesn’t produce desired results.
—When someone gets hurt.
—When it’s time to move—on or over?
Wondering what the word kitchen actually means, I looked it up in the dictionary. It means cooking room. Who’d have thought? I thought it was an extension of the craft room. Of course I knew you could also cook there …
OK, I’m hoodwinking you here. But I really did look it up and that really is what kitchen means.
Here it is, day 8, and these are my feelings about IF: it might be for the birds.
Any program that causes me to constantly think about a subject I loathe, viz. food, is not exactly right for me. (Long ago I saw an episode of Happy Days wherein Fonzie told Ralph Malph that he should join the French Foreign Legion. Ralph was all set up to set off; no one else could talk him out of it. Finally Richie persuaded Fonzie to tell Ralph he was wrong to advise Ralph so. Fonzie RELUCTANTLY agreed, but every time he tried to tell Ralph he’d been wrong he could only say, “I was ruh-ruh-ruh.” Eventually he said, “I was Not Exactly Right.” Henceforth the phrase not exactly right is code in my home for ruh-ruh-ruh.) Read More →
What I’d always thought was poor eating habits turns out to have a pseudo-scientific name: intermittent fasting. Read More →