I’ve created this page to house all my Daily Sketches. New sketches will appear at the top–I’ll keep inserting them ahead of the previous day’s.

I made a couple of brief attempts at sketching and noticed that even in those spurts I felt meditative. I don’t want to stop drawing/painting/collaging/arting. But I also want to go back to writing. The true art in this ugly sketch is The Words. 5 August 2015

This is also painted on Rising Stonehenge–now I re-have the knack of it. It’s inspired by a Matisse painting. While I drew this I felt that all the daily sketches had paid off–I was in the drawing zone. 4 August 2015.

I call this one “Cultivate the Art of Listening.” Drawn on 1 August, finished painting on 4 August 2015.

I actually painted a few pictures on–you got it–MONDAY, but this is the one I chose to photo and post. Again, I was thinking about politics. 3 August 2015

From Facebook: “Today’s other daily sketch. We had a cloudburst, so I felt the need to paint a cloudburst/sheep picture.” 2 August 2015 It’s painted on Rising Stonehenge paper; an interesting paper to paint on.

From Facebook: “Daily sketch wins.
Today’s is a true sketch, almost invisible, almost no paint added yet.” 1 August 2015

Here’s the full version of this drawing. I didn’t usually post the journaling parts of pictures on Facebook. I wanted practice drawing a hand in this position (too bad it couldn’t be the right hand). It was 31 July 2015 and I was facing a decision. Would I continue with The Daily Sketch or not? I was under the impression that the sketches had replaced my writing time. It’s true I hadn’t worked on my novel, but clearly I was still writing.

I tried to make the colors more vibrant. I knew this wouldn’t be as popular as the first one–and it WASN’T! Nevertheless, though certain elements are from the same book, the combination is mostly original. I called it “His Wife’s Deceased Sister” after the Frank R. Stockton short story about how you can never again match the success of your one great piece of art. 30 July 2015

I’m posting the color corrected version of this–one of my most “Liked” Facebook posts. I wish the colors were this vibrant. I wish this was my original drawing. It’s from a Sketching and Drawing book by Cathy Johnson. I added the cattails. I really like how it turned out (even in the less color-corrected version). 29 July 2015

This is the non-color-corrected version. She has words. I think she’s unfinished, but so am I. 28 July 2015

Nothing venture, nothing gain. Sometimes nothing gain anyhow. Flowers are still my Waterloo. 28 July 2015

I’ve noticed that the DREADED MONDAYS are back. Usually they can be counted on, but for a while they weren’t so terrible. Now they’re back with a vengeance, it seems. I like this drawing despite its lack of words and its unfinishedness. It’s really cool, in this color corrected version, how the white shows up. Maybe someday I’ll finish it and maybe not. 27 July 2015

It was Monday, so what did I expect? Jim Hatlo thinks these are “Very impressionistic, evocative,” for which I’m grateful, but I’m not crazy about them. 27 July 2015

True to my attempt to do pen and ink on Sunday, I also made this quick drawing–from the Wenlin book. 26 July 2015

With a limited number of watercolor pencils at my disposal I drew this in response to my feelings about several BYU TV shows we had just watched–episodes of The Story Trek and The Song That Changed My Life. It was bursting out of me–this ocean of need I felt, we feel, to tell our stories, sing our songs, and make our pictures. These girls represent the past, the present (day), the present (night), and the future. It’s a very symbolic work and means a great deal to me. It’s the last picture I’ve drawn so far in this book and I leave it out, open to this page. It always inspires me and reignites my fire. 26 July 2015
The other daily sketch I did on 25 July 2015 didn’t even get her picture taken. I still don’t like it–despite the fact that it has words. 🙂 I felt it before I started it–it had to be gotten out of the way, it seems. I can’t get myself to like it and it won’t be fixed.

The upper right and lower left pictures came from sketches made years ago. I redrew them and painted them. The lower right was painted on muslin–interesting experience. The upper left is my favorite: tree, girl–what’s not to love? I worked on them throughout the day, and like them all. 25 July 2015

I know I worked on this for a couple of days. Words, colors, expression. I was satisfied with this one (but not the background!). 24 July 2015

I was struggling quite a bit at this point–what to paint? what to draw? See, words helped. 23 July 2015

Another less-successful wet-on-wet. Again, no words. This is color corrected because it’s too blah otherwise. First of several on 23 July 2015

This is the non-color corrected version of this painting. Wet on wet. I’ve had success with this in the past. This one was not so successful–too pale when dry, doesn’t “say” anything in the lower left corner. Ah, doesn’t SAY anything. Words are really important to my art. 22 July 2015

Still thinking of girls and dogs . . . and words. (And that stamp I’m planning to carve.) 21 July 2015

I dashed off this sketch and attribute it to 20 July 2015. Felt like cheating to not actually draw on that day. This was a plan for a stamp I meant to carve but haven’t yet.

This is another one worked on over several days. I both like and don’t like it. It’s a bit too fussed with though that’s not what bothers me. It didn’t accomplish what I was feeling and I still feel that lack whenever I look at it. 20 July 2015 (Maybe it needed words.)

Drawn 6 March 2010; Painted 19 July 2015. It’s a tiny painting and was trying to fill my pen and ink requirement till I drew the dog-and-girl picture.

I can’t remember if I drew this in Paint before or after the dog picture. It hung around on my screen for days till I decided I would like to use it as The Daily Sketch banner. Turns out there isn’t such a thing. 19 July 2015

Think I’d hit a lull. Had a few paintings I didn’t like, had tried to work on, but didn’t want to post. It was Sunday when I read on Facebook about Susan Phelan’s dog dying. Such a sweet story; the death of a dog is usually bittersweet. I painted this for her. Oh, I just remembered I had decided to do pen and ink on Sunday. 19 July 2015

The little heart in the center is where I began when I started collaging, but it went into the second picture I finished. The phrase comes from the first Dana Girls mystery book. I pasted it here with the scrap from a bag from a shop in Italy (courtesy of my friend Melinda). I was also thinking of Dolly Parton’s song “The Bargain Store.” 18 July 2015

I had predetermined that I would do collage on Saturday 18 July 2015. I have a weird relationship with collage, so I usually avoid it. But today I had so much fun! I ended up creating three, but only finished pasting up two of them. The third one is still under construction.

Trying to use different colors and do different things. There are things I like and don’t like about this one. 17 July 2015

Again–birds and writing. I remember this sketch was started on the 15th and finished 16 July 2015. I felt I needed more practice drawing birds, so the heron drawing edged this one out. I didn’t like it because it felt too fussed over. Looks like I was also concerned about politics.

I’d done a few drawings with some particular Derwent pencils–colored “drawing” pencils and water-soluble “Graphitint” pencils. Both have subtle coloring and usually dull points. I loved the feel of these pencils on the paper. I also love birds. I don’t have much experience with water birds, but find them fascinating nonetheless. 15 July 2015

I was tired that night, but pursued my challenge. I drew my right foot, then decided I could fit the left foot on the page too. 14 July 2015

I decided to give the left hand a turn to draw the right. I consider myself right-handed, but I might have been able to be left-handed too. 13 July 2015

Decided to continue what seemed like a good thing, but I decided to practice drawing. I’ve always liked drawing my hands. But look, I even drew myself holding a WRITING pen! 12 July 2015

Apparently a lament about staying up late so I can feel alive. The picture doesn’t always seem to go with the words. But there are words. I was writing. 11 July 2015