I realize that by posting photos of my latest artwork I run the risk of sounding the death knell of my creative energy.

Wet trees

Wet Trees

There are times I simply must put water and color on paper.

an attempt at looser work

an attempt at looser work

I decide, “This time I’m going to paint loose, no agenda, no judgment.” But always the subject is faces.

Then I get moodier . . . approaching the zenith of my creativity–a balance of desire, looseness, and pleasure at the creation.



I try to branch out and paint other subjects, or I get philosophical and try to illustrate my thoughts.

Musing on charity and creativity

Musing on charity and creativity

Then I get anxious and fussy and detail orientated. And judgmental.



Attempting to balance THE NEED TO CREATE and SPONTANEITY is stifled by TRYING TOO HARD. I try to make my other interests influence my artwork–sometimes successfully.

Indian captives--what I'm reading about

Indian captives–what I’m reading about

At this point I tell myself that though I have artistic leanings, I also lack vision. I have skill and maybe talent, but . . . I don’t know what to do with it.

The poet Burns said, “O would some power the giftie gie us to see ourselves as others see us.” I would like that gift for my creations. Then I might help myself to improve. But something whispers, “You’re not here to do it alone.” Nevertheless, there are some subjects too sensitive to benefit from the critical help of others. So I offer the results of my recent impulses and . . .


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