A while back I wrote a post on how to make pumpkins. One of the pumpkins I posted had a little leaf alongside its stem. At that time I didn’t discuss the leaf because I wove it on a homemade fine sett loom. Since then Wunderwag Industries has released the 1″ square loom, so you can get a really cute, tiny leaf for the 2″ pumpkin. I used that and my fine sett or 2″ loom to make leaves for the other sizes.
Read More →…or, How I Became Both a Swimmer AND an Open Water Swimmer in My Late 50s
A friend recently asked me how I got started as a swimmer. She probably really meant, as an old person swimmer. She also asked a number of questions I thought other beginning swimmers might want answered.
Read More →A friend of mind posted her experience on Facebook in reference to an earlier post she had since opted to delete. Apparently she had received a multitude of comments of the negative variety on the statement she had shared. (I don’t know what the original post was.) If I understood her correctly, not only were her feelings hurt by the replies, she was also upset that people had not taken time to understand what she was trying to communicate.
Read More →(Something bizarre happened to WordPress since I was last here. Hopefully they’ll fix it or my blog will die.)
Explanation for this boring-looking post: From time to time I go searching the internet for shawl patterns to knit or crochet. Usually I have a specific idea in mind (such as a pattern that will match the amount of yarn I have), but I often run across other patterns I might want to try.
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