Pin Loom Snowman (Tutorial posted with permission of designer)
Design by Deborah Bagley (see “Christmas Pin Loom Pattern Set” in YarnovationsShop on Etsy)
Pin Loom Snowman (Tutorial posted with permission of designer)
Design by Deborah Bagley (see “Christmas Pin Loom Pattern Set” in YarnovationsShop on Etsy)
It’s been my enormous pleasure and privilege to be associated with Wunderwag Industries pin looms since its inception in 2017. (The looms are made by my husband’s friend, and I get no compensation for any of the looms sold.)
Feels like it’s time to update and consolidate the old New Loom Time! post and announce three new sizes (3″ square, 1″ x 2″ and 1″ x 6″ rectangles)!
Let me start by saying: To order looms and/or extra needles, contact Joe at (see price list at the end of this post). Read More →
It was my original intention to write at least once a month on this blog, but my last post was in August. (Actually I think I’ve missed a month or two before this.)
My husband traveled a lot this summer/fall (about three weeks total), so I was home “alone” with Polly and Casey (my two Labs). We had good long walks just about every morning. That went out the window after my husband came back. (Why is that? Sometimes I think I could have good habits if I were on my own, but I’d rather trade up for the company.)
One thing I’ve learned about silk yarn is that it can shrink. In the photo below, I started with two squares—same size, same weaving pattern—washed one in hot, soapy water, then left it to dry.
For more info on this photo, see this post