A variation on Florencia Campos Correa‘s Scottish Stitch, I made up this pattern because I had a long scrap of yarn I wanted to use. It ran out after I warped 6 strands, so I improvised.
4-inch pin loom
6-inch weaving needle
needle threader (optional)
fork (optional) to pack the rows together during weaving
3 colors of yarn that look good together
In this sample C1 = Pink, C2 = White, C3 = Blue
Standard warping process used throughout. All weaving is plain weave: Over, Under (O, U).
***Remember you can click on photos to see a larger version. Click on the Back arrow to return to these instructions.
Step 1–Warping the Loom: Layer 1
Keeping yarn loose, tie on C1; wind 6 strands; secure, cut.
Tie on C2; wind 4 strands; secure, cut.
Tie on C3; wind 6 strands–DO NOT CUT.
If you have trouble tying knots you can secure yarn to the loom with painter’s tape (but this loosens up when you weave) or tie the cut ends together.
Step 2–Warping the Loom: Layer 2
Bring C3 around the bottom R corner. Wind 6 strands; secure, cut. Tie on C2; wind 3 strands; secure, cut. Tie on C1; wind 6 strands, DO NOT CUT.

Note: because of pin configuration you have only three strands of C2 in this layer. So finish C2 and begin C3 on Left.
You can alter the number of strands of colors 1, 2, or 3.
Step 3–Warping the Loom: Layer 3
Bring C1 around the top L corner and wrap 6 strands; secure at top of loom, cut.
Tie on C2 at top; wrap 4 strands; secure at top, cut.
Tie on C3 at top; wrap 5 strands; finish at bottom L corner. DO NOT CUT.
Step 4–Weaving
Wrap C3 twice around loom; cut, thread needle. Begin weaving Over the loop outside of pins, Under first strand inside pins. Continue weaving O, U across. (Row 1 ends U.)
Weave 6 rows.
Use a fork to pack (or beat) lower rows into place to make room for the next row.
Tie on C2; wrap 1 1/2 times around loom; cut, thread needle. Weave 4 rows.
Tie on C3; wrap 2 times around loom; cut, thread needle. Weave 6 rows.
Remove from loom; untie slip knots by gently tugging on them.

Yes, this is what it looks like finished. If you use pink and blue an alchemical reaction will take place and everything will turn green.
Here are a couple of views of the Scottish Stitch in two colors. One is variegated, so it makes the plaid unbalanced.
Pingback: Scottish Stitch Variation I—Pin Loom (Weave-it) Pattern | Windswept Mind
Pingback: Scottish Stitch Variation II—Pin Loom (Weave-it) Pattern | Windswept Mind
Thanks for this new color variation.
If I were to repost this today, I would definitely include magic knots to avoid all those extra ends. Glad you like it.