If there’s anyone out there still reading my blog (stats tell me I get the occasional visitor)—just want to let you know I’m still here, still weaving, knitting, crocheting, and occasionally sewing.

I have an idea about my pin loom patterns and “book.” If you’ve read the assorted blurbs on the Sue’s Book tab of this blog, you’ll see I vacillate. My original intention was to write and publish a children’s book, but after many years of serious effort I’ve abandoned the idea (maybe temporarily, maybe permanently). Lately I’ve toyed with the idea of writing a pin loom weaving book—well, more than toyed—I’ve put in some serious effort and had significant assistance from my friend, Tanja in the Netherlands, who is a typing wizard. She transcribed all the notes I sent her and paired them with the photos I sent her.

Here’s what part of it looks like (in miniature):

a glimpse of the Library of Patterns

Obviously Tanja couldn’t type up the stuff I didn’t send her . . . and haven’t sent her. I’ve been whipping up more patterns in the last week, and playing around with color combinations and pattern variations. I still write everything out by hand, but I’m slightly more organized about it now—I write on note cards and keep each card with its square in a Ziploc bag.

Old way . . .

New way

You might have noticed the photos are blurry. I did that on purpose for a couple of reasons. One is to protect the patterns’ privacy. The other is that we’re having a swap on the Facebook Pin Loom Weaving Support Group and I don’t want to give away any surprises (because I might be using some of these squares in the swap).

So, my idea is to give up on the idea of a book—my heart isn’t in it; I just like making up the patterns—and instead, release the patterns here under their own tab. That way we can all have access to my patterns instead of waiting for a day that likely will never arrive (if it’s up to me it isn’t to be—unfortunately).

Any comments?

13 Thoughts on “Hey, remember me?

  1. Diana Broadway on 4 February 2017 at 5:24 PM said:

    Although I would have loved to see your patterns in book form, I am grateful to get them in any manner you wish to offer them, Sue. Your talent is much admired and appreciated.

  2. Lois Fuller on 4 February 2017 at 6:24 PM said:

    Would love to try some of your patterns.

  3. Karen A Bochinski on 4 February 2017 at 7:36 PM said:

    I have my heart set on stuff mull it back and forth and sometimes it doesnot work out. That is fine too. I am sure the group would love if you did a book on pin looms. But having the passion to do something really helps too. Thanks for all you do for the blog and group. I may not post much because my projects are BIGGER ones. I would love to start going through Mrs. Stump’s book.

    • Thank you Karen. It’s nice to be understood. As spring approaches I’m feeling more cheerful and it looks like the book project is coming back to life. Thanks for reading my blog, and for your encouragement.

  4. Lindy Andersen Brigham on 6 February 2017 at 7:47 AM said:

    Hi Sue,

    I read your blogs on a regular basis via email so it may not register on your website. I very much enjoy reading your contributions. And I would love to have a book of your patterns. If your heart isn’t in it I understand, but if people requesting it gets you jump started again, here is my whole-hearted endorsement of the project!


    • Thank you Lindy, you’re a dear! Yes, requests and encouragement are just the balm I needed. The book is back in the production stage. Thank you for reading my blog. Sometimes I wonder if anyone reads anything besides the Houndstooth Check pattern post (my most visited), so it’s nice to know the others get read.

  5. Hi Sue
    I got a pin loom for Christmas and have just got around to trying it out (like you I am a knitter and sewer and have been busy with other projects). The booklet that came with the loom wasn’t as useful as I would have liked so I went on a YouTube search. A few videos in I found yours. Thank you. Very clear and very helpful. The no talking seems a little strange to start with but I am a visual learner anyway and your directions are very clear. I am but ready for patterns yet but I had a wee peek and a couple of those videos and I think a pattern book would be great: I know I would get bored with just plain weave all the time. I love wool, especially local wool. I love how the fibres work and how different wools have different qualities -I love exploring them. My first square is a mixture of some Hebridean wool form a friend’s croft on the Isle of Skye and some Ryeland wool from a very local farm.
    I will definitely be returning to look through your posts as I progress.

    • You know what’s really delightful? Waking up to a message like this in my email box. Thank you Shona. The reason I don’t speak on my videos is because I’m super self-conscious about my voice . . . I don’t know why. A few people told me they liked it that I didn’t speak because they had hearing difficulties. That works for me. I find that when people speak on videos it tends to slow the action. This way I can cut mistakes and speed things up so the video will fit in the allowed time (15 min., I think).

      It’s so thrilling to hear the British names and words in your post. I recently finished reading Ann Cleeves’ Shetland series. I’d never heard of the word croft before. What is the difference between croft and farm?

      The pattern book is becoming a reality . . . (lots of work ahead of me!)

      • Hi Sue
        Glad my communication was an encouragement to you.
        I’ve never read the Ann Cleeves books but they have been made into a BBC drama here which we watch avidly. We also visit Shetland regularly so it’s all very real to us. I am even getting to go to Shetland Wool Week this year!
        A croft is a very small farm. Traditionally the crofts of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland were the piece of land which came with a small family cottage (croft house) and was enough land to enable the family to be self sufficient and provide the land owner with an arable or livestock ‘rent’. In Shetland at least (not so sure about the western isles) the piece of land would go down to the sea and each croft would have sheep and a small boat to fish from. In Shetland you are beber more than 3 miles from the sea and almost everyone would have been involved in fishing. Nowadays most people own their croft outright.
        I followed one of your links to the pattern book and was amazed at it – I love dress making but can’t imagine weaving up over 100 squares to sew together and then make a dress! Quite incredible but awesome too, the lengths people used to have to go to clothe themselves and their families.

        • I loved Shetland on TV, couldn’t get enough, so I read all the books. Now we’re watching the Vera TV series (checked out from the library). I expect I’ll be reading those next . . .
          Oh, you lucky thing–getting to visit Shetland and go to Wool Week. I’d love to, but the expense is way beyond my budget. I’ll be there in spirit.
          Thanks for all the info on crofts and Shetland.
          I agree with you about those pattern books. I’ve woven more than 100 squares, but not out of the same yarn. Imagine the amazing patience of those designers.

  6. Sorry, just need to click the notify buttons

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